Synth Riders returns to its roots with the “Synthwave Essentials 2” Music Pack headlined by Muse with tracks from their “Simulation Theory” album sitting alongside incredible synthwave classics.
This brand new collection is now available on Oculus Quest and Steam featuring 3 free songs, 5 paid DLC songs and a unique visual experience for “Algorithm” by Muse.
Synth Riders is a freestyle-dance VR rhythm alternative with a lively community of fans and solid workout potential. The third music pack for the game is the long-awaited sequel to the game’s original Synthwave Essentials and is headlined by Muse with the first 2 tracks from their synthwave-inspired album, “Simulation Theory,” sitting alongside incredible synthwave classics from FM-84, Gunship, The Midnight, 3FORCE, NINA and Essenger. The pack pays tribute to 80s music culture while blending in future influences of EDM, house, and nu-disco, with catchy tunes, unique voices, soaring guitars, and analog synths galore.

Also, for the first time ever, players will receive a unique playable “Synth Riders Experience” free with the song “Algorithm” by Muse. More than just a stage, this is artistically-driven, immersive visuals delivered in-game that results in the blending of sight, sound, and movement together into a transformative VR experience.
“Synthwave Essentials 2” consists of 5 paid DLC songs:
“Algorithm” (Alternate Reality Version) – Muse
“The Dark Side” – Muse
“Running In The Night” – FM-84 & Ollie Wride
“Days of Thunder” – The Midnight
“Tech Noir” (Carpenter Brut Remix) – Gunship
And 3 songs that are free for all players:
“Abyss” (Gancher & Ruin Remix) – 3FORCE (feat. Scandroid)
“Empire of Steel” (MASKED Remix) – Essenger (feat. Scandroid)
“Automatic Call” – NINA